The Girly Cow
As an artist, sometimes joyous moments spark an image in my imagination. The moment my brother-in-law and his wife announced they were having a baby girl, the spark of joy ignited in my heart immediately left an impression of this image. I desperately had to paint it for her, and so I did!

Honey & Nash
Like a mother to her infant, dogs view us as precious and flawless; something to love, snuggle, and protect. We are as precious to them as they are to us, if not more! For this reason, many couples want to honor their fur babies on their wedding day. This is how the portrait of Honey and Nash came to be. ❤️

“I’d Painted—Again”
“Where are the places I have for so long shut to anyone?
Immediately I think of my artist side—I continue to hide her from myself.
What would happen if I let her out?
It may trip up my journey to change the world. But, maybe that’s a good thing.
What if the people who change the world really are the artists?
Surely not, but maybe”.

The Adam’s Nursery; “Aslan & Lucy”
Like trying to see the fullness of a giant through a keyhole, so is the one with little faith trying to grasp the fullness of God. It isn’t until our faith grows that we begin to see just how big He is. Likewise, this scene from Narnia is a metaphor to the Christian faith. The greatness of God is something that is constant—steadfast. When we start to see God as “big”, it is not because He suddenly becomes more prevelant in our lives, but because our faith reavels just how prominient He is, and was, and is to come in our lives.